Rush Royale Update 30.0 Promo Code Event
Never give your account password during events!
Never share your game password. During our events, we never ask for passwords, only ID to bind the promo code.
The event promo code is valid one time per account.
Free Rush Royale Promo Code Event!
How to use the Rush Royale gift codes?
Using the redeem codes is pretty easy once you get the hang of it - simply follow the steps below and you can redeem all the Rush Royale codes that are available for the game.
Step 1: Tap on your the three dashes icon in the top left corner of the screen.
Step 2: Head to Promo Codes.
Step 3: Enter your 12-digit gift promo code for Rush Royale..
Step 4: Click Apply.
That's it! All the rewards will be sent directly to you, so make sure you redeem the codes before their expiration date, which is 24 hours in your mailbox.
- You have to complete an offer to the end to receive the gift code.
- After completing the offer the gift code gets sent to your mailbox.
Thank you for participation!
WE NEVER ask you to enter your account password.